Monday, August 22, 2011

Training at Motorola

this thing adalah apa yang aku belajar time first nk masuk motorola...sila bayang kan aku kuar rumah kul 4.45 pagi (naek transpot abg aku aka driver xbertAUliah) and then sampai sana almost at 6 am. so seperti yang sedia maklum, aku punya agent masuk kul 9 pagi..mase tu kira semangat gila2 n gila lah nk menunggu..environment kat motorola masa tu x brapa clear lagi bagi tunggu punya tunggu huhhhh...(lepas jenuhhhh menunggu la) sampai la kul 9 lebih...agent aku bagi briefing sket pasal contract agreement...bagi smock bagi kasut n then badge tuh aku kna p kat kaunter security n bla3....

Masuk hari kedua tu...briefing by erin pasal 3 benda iaitu GMP, ESD n tiga menda nih aku kna belajar before the soal jwab or interviewing by the trainer...quite simple and easy sbnarnya...just me the only one who mlas at least aku tw la serba sedikit procedure tuk masuk kilang..(it is more about the awareness at factory environment gitu)

doRANG aja GMP..aka Good Manufacturing Practises..IT is about the aim of the company in order tuk m'amalkan budaya kerja yang efisien yang mana company nih sangt sensitive to cost and quality~maksudnya kilang nih nk avoid scrap iaitu pembaziran bahan2 yang xterhasil disebabkan oleh operator mereka, so bila less scrap...means less cost...n high in quality of work..n materials. disebabkan itu jgk la mereka try to adopt and apply this GMP..despite dorang jgk try to immaculate housekeeping lepas do their for example kat line aku tuh...after all process dah clear out..dorang akan buat housekeeping it just to make our house kemas n bersih...

the second thing is about ESD. ESD stand for electrostatic discharge...logo dia kalor kita punya kedudukan mestilah 100 foot from green mat n power dia xleh lbh 100 vote pcb ada dua silver n pink but silver is the best one la. so perlu diingatkan jgk sensitive level adalah device sbb not only component dia kecik tapi dia punya tindakbalas lah yang buat device tu sensitive(paham entah ayat aku nih), so esd ni kita ada safety la which consist of smock wrist trap, kasut tuk protect bdn dari sebarang hazardous..
(Electrostatic charge build-up occurs as a result of an imbalance of electrons on the surface of a material. Such a charge build-up develops an electric field that has measurable effects on other objects at a distance. (sumber internet).

so moral of the story..aku penah buat benda nih burn disebabkan xamal kan gaya hidup sihat...hehe...sebiji pandai2 lah


1 comment:

  1. supervisor give briefing...THE battery department is the best..good in quality from other department.welldone...but dia pesan..cuti cuti jgk...2hb kna masuk keja balik ok...n perhaps for the incoming days ni ada visit from bos besar wif the ceo of company mane please prep shortly..(omputeh mai)
